Grades 6-8 Curriculum
Belmont students in grades 6-8 are increasingly ready to use the knowledge they have acquired in previous grades. They practice using correct grammar to express logical, reasoned thought; they apply arithmetic to solve abstract problems; they make connections; they compare and contrast concepts; and they predict cause and effect as they continue to seek the good, the true, and the beautiful. The materials, below, have been carefully chosen for students grades 6-8, as they prepare for high school and become leaders, influencers, and doers.
(Literature/ Grammar/ Composition)
Great books develop character and a growth mindset. We intentionally choose books that help students:
Increase in wisdom and virtue.
Boost reading comprehension.
Cultivate moral courage.
Emulate the best writers.
Enrich the vocabulary.
Develop cultural literacy.
English grammar, spelling, usage, composition, and logic are taught each year. The ability to write with clarity, beauty, and power is further developed by our logic and rhetoric courses in the high school grades.
Literature selections support our three-year history studies cycle.
The Door in the Wall
The Eagle of the Ninth
The Hobbit
Henry V
A Tale of Two Cities
The Bronze Bow
Treasure Island
Little Britches
A Christmas Carol
Anne of Green Gables
Pilgrim's Progress
Adventures of Tom Sawyer
The Count of Monte Cristo
A Midsummer Night's
The Lion, the Witch, and
the Wardrobe.
Classical Composition and English Grammar Recitation
by Memoria Press
Classical Spelling Method by Classical Materials
Art of Argument by Classical Academic Press and studies in Traditional Logic.
A solid foundation in math is the key to success in science, technology, and engineering.
Math 6/5
by Saxon Publishers
Math 7/6
by Saxon Publishers
Math 8/7
by Saxon Publishers
Algebra 1/2
by Saxon Publishers
Algebra 1
by Saxon Publishers
Algebra 2
by Saxon Publishers
(according to individual student level)
Latin trains the mind. Students who study Latin develop mental discipline, precision, and word power. As students systematically learn the structure of this extraordinary language, their thinking becomes more organized and their writing abilities mature.
First Form Latin
by Memoria Press
Second Form Latin
by Memoria Press
Third Form Latin
by Memoria Press
Students develop a love of science by enjoying the beauty and wonder of the natural world. As they carefully observe, they learn to classify, experiment, and expand their knowledge of morphology, physiology, habitats, and other aspects of science.
Earth Science and
Physical Science by Novare
Introduction to Biology and Book of Trees by Memoria Press
Christian Studies/
Students find peace in Christ as they learn of Him. In Bible/Christian Studies, students explore the history, geography and teachings of the Old and New Testaments, commit scripture to memory, and continually improve penmanship.
Three-year cycle using the KJV Bible:
Old Testament: Pentateuch, Writers, Prophets
New Testament: Jesus' Ministry
New Testament: Apostolic Ministry
A free society remains free as long as its people govern themselves with wisdom and moral purpose. From Greece and Rome, America's founders learned principles of self-government, and how to apply reason, wisdom, and virtue in the pursuit of happiness. We study Greece and Rome, today, for the same purpose.
Three-year cycle:
Ancient Greece and Rome: The Book of the Ancient World, The Book of the Ancient Greeks, and
The Book of the Ancient Romans
by Dorothy Mills
Middle Ages through the Modern World: The Book of the Middle Ages and Renaissance & Reformation Times
by Dorothy Mills
American History: The Story of the Thirteen Colonies and the Great Republic
by H. A. Guerber
Music is a universal language of enormous power. Mathematical at its base, it develops the mental abilities of students while enriching the soul.
Our sequential music program instills a love of music in each student. Our music curriculum includes music theory, with the training of the voice as a primary instrument.
*Specific curriculum materials will change as we continuously improve while staying anchored to our mission.