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Grades 2-3 Curriculum

In grades 2-3 Belmont students continue to develop their hearts, minds, and bodies. They read the best of children's literature; learn arithmetic; study history and geography; and learn spelling, penmanship, composition, and science. They develop courtesy and character, and learn to create beautiful art and music. The materials, below, are part of the Belmont Connected Curriculum™, and have been carefully chosen to prepare students for success in grades 2-3.​





Classic children's books are as delightful as they are effective in nurturing the heart, developing character, and growing vocabulary.

Students receive one-on-one time reading with the teacher, reading as a class, and being read to. Daily reading leads to fluency, and develops the ability to read with expression.


Belmont's flagship spelling method is carefully designed to help students become excellent readers and spellers, and to understand the governing spelling rules. Each week students practice reading and writing spelling codes, rules, word lists, and spelling sentences; and practice turning spelling words into a story.

Classic and beloved literature selections, such as the following, form the core for our Grades 2-3 literature studies:


The Adventures of Danny Meadow Mouse;

Chatterer the Red Squirrel; Blacky the Crow;

The Family Under the Bridge;

A Bear Called Paddington;

My Father's Dragon

Little House in the Big Woods;

Just So Stories;

Farmer Boy;

Charlotte's Web;

A Cricket in Time's Square;

Aesop's Fables


Classical Spelling Method

by Classical Materials


English Grammar Recitation 

by Memoria Press


A solid foundation in math, including mastery of arithmetic, is the key to success in science, technology, and engineering.

Saxon Math 2, 3, 5/4


(according to individual student level)


Grades 2-3 students continue to practice beautiful cursive penmanship.

Classical Penmanship,

by Classical Materials


Grades 2-3 students develop a love of science by enjoying the beauty and wonder of the natural world. Formal science instruction begins in Grade 1.


Patterns of Nature 

by Memoria Press

Bible Study, Daily Devotional

Grades 2-3 students begin each day with a daily devotional that includes prayer, a song, scripture, and a copy statement. In Bible Study, students learn the story of God's love in the Old and New Testaments, and commit scripture to memory.

Egermeier's Bible Story Book



Students learn to draw maps and become acquainted with stories of  the great men and women in world and American history through a variety of literature selections.


Greek Myths

by Ingri d'Aulaire, Edgar Parin d'Aulaire 


Story of the World: Ancient Times (Bauer)



Music is a universal language of enormous power. Mathematical at its base, it develops the mental abilities of students while enriching the soul.

Our sequential music program instills a love of music in each student. Our music curriculum includes music theory, with the training of the voice as a primary instrument.

*Specific curriculum materials will change as we continuously improve while staying anchored to our mission.

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